Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jesus love is as different from God as sun-rays are different from the sun ! Jesus is an expression of God - Jesus is an extension of God to meet you here on earth and guide you home to God.

Love all ! When you say YES to Love - then you say YES to God - by affirming the principle of true Love and applying Jesus' teachings of Love - you affirm God and God's Love will be flowing through you.
and because God is Love - so is Jesus Love almighty and all-healing, all-freeing for all and can be felt and experience in the most powerful Love Prayer.
God's Love has neither end nor beginning nor limits - to learn to apply God's love in your life and partnership come and share some time with God in your heart so I can share God's Love with you.

"Dear God - love me please"
"Dear God - please love me free"

You may want to repeat this love prayer whenever you realize that you have lost the concentration on kutashta and you find your thoughts "butterflying" around !
This short prayer of love is a key for God to be allowed to enter your heart and soul - to enter your innermost being again and heal and free you from all that ever has started to separate you from direct awareness of God and YOUR very own divinity. This love prayer is a powerful divine key to achieve Godunion by the end of present incarnation provided you truly allow God to enter all your body including your physical body and heal all aspects of yourself.

 God loves you card

If God loves you - then you should love God and all others as well. A beautiful God card to send to best friends, but also to lost ones or "enemies". 

1 comment:

reenarose said...

hey frds plzz give ur valuable testimonies of ur experiences with god..